Sunday, November 10, 2013


I got home from work at 2:45 am this morning. My boss of the night was very disorganized and likes to touch every patient before letting them leave the hospital. "I like to lay eyes on them, so I know you're telling me the truth..." As a result, instead of finishing at 1, I left at 2:30.

At home, the dog had eaten some chocolate chips, so I got to hear the tale of how Mr G had attempted to make her vomit (hydrogen peroxide in yoghurt, fingers in dog-mouth) and was now wracked by guilt and fear. Settling them both back to sleep (in the guest room; chocolate makes dogs poop) and I was asleep by 3:30.

I woke at 11:30 today. Washed myself, ate some food, and now it's time to go back to work. Days like this are a write-off (unless you consider burning through Netflix an achievement) and then I go, buy more coffee and go back to work. I have worn my sweat suit for the last 3 days straight. No point in changing, I've got scrubs to put on in an hour.

I know this is my dream job and technically, I'm getting all the perks of random hours. I can go to yoga in the middle of the day! No lineups at the bank! Brunch on a Wednesday morning!

I just wish it didn't take me 12 years of post-secondary education to finally start living like a teenager.

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