Monday, January 6, 2014

babies for everyone!

I've been threatened with my first lawsuit!!

"J" is a young transgender woman who presented to the emergency department with abdominal pain. She said to me, "My mother wanted a boy, so she fed me hormones as a child. That is why I have an Adam's apple, some facial hair, and sound like a boy."

"So, what hormones are you taking, J?"

 "Well, tell me about this abdominal pain..."
"Fine. So, I'm pregnant and I want an ultrasound to check on the baby. See, I have this pregnancy test here."
(J is showing me a positive "Clearblue" home pregnancy test. The result has been drawn in with magic marker.)

"When was your last period?"
"I mean, how pregnant do you think you are?"
"Oh! I'm 17 weeks pregnant!"
I look at her slim build, flat stomach and overall male physique.

 "Well, J, I'll just get you to pee in a cup for us here, we'll confirm that you're pregnant, and if that's positive, I'll grab the ultrasound machine!"

At this point J becomes visible angry. She yells.

She tells me I'm a bitch. That I should trust her home pregnancy test and that she refuses to do one in hospital. She tells me that she has a lawyer in Vancouver who will take away my license. She tells me she has a doctor in Toronto who has done a previous ultrasound that shows she's having twins. There is a lot of anger, threats and verbal abuse.

I re-iterate, "You give us a urine sample, if it's positive, I'll do your ultrasound!"

More abuse.

J eventually needs to be escorted from the premises by 4 security guards. She is a big girl. (Such broad shoulders!) As she leaves, she pauses at the physicians desk.

"I hope you don't like your job!! Cos you'll never be a doctor again when I'm done with you!"

I think about this on my way home. Lets say, worst case scenario, that my license was taken away, and that I could never practice medicine again. I have almost NO idea of what I would do for a living.

Seriously. I can't go back to Starbucks. I don't have any real computer or tech skills. I don't have the patience for customer service (when I deal with the public now, I'M always right. Ish.).

I am good at asking people personal questions within minutes of meeting them. And touching them intimately right after that.

I guess I could be a journalist?
Or a prostitute?
I'll keep thinking.

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