Saturday, October 23, 2010


I'm fresh off the Inter-Hospital soccer tournament, beet red and happy.

Hilariousness ensues when a bunch of deconditioned, unathletic people push themselves as hard as they physically can. As Adge says, "When doctors are off work, they just want to prove how good they are at other things". We are not that good at other things.

Highlight: Adam in goal. Alone. Opposition breakaway. He started screaming, "Seriously? Seriously??? Seriously??" Opponent freaked out, tripped and gave up the ball.

Also, seeing our mild-mannered Endo registrar do a full sliding save. He's my boss, but I was screaming "Pick it up! You're the wall, dude, you're the wall!"

In contrast to this awesomeness, my last shift in Rehab was Saturday morning. I'd been to the End of Rotation drinks the night before, where I had abstained from food & common sense. As a result, I found myself telling a family, "I'm so sorry for your loss" and certifying a still-warm body while hungover. I can't recommend it.

I guess it's the Aussie commitment to leisure. The work hard/play hard thing gets taken to extremes in medicine, but dammit, we're having fun.
But now I need a nap.

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