Monday, April 6, 2015

Game On!

Things I am allowed to think about between now and September:
1. My family (baby + Mr G)
2. My job (emergency med residency - last 4 months!)
3. My upcoming exam (EM. All of it.)

Things I am not allowed to think about before September:
1. My butt. Yes, it's a little flatter post-baby, but I am not allowed to think about lunging, working my glutes or power squats until this is all over.

2. My social life. I have wonderful, supportive friends who bring light and joy into my life. I cannot see them until I have learned ALL the medicine.

3. My family (extended version). Yes, I will call them and send photos and whinge to them about my current life situation, but I cannot let my need to see them distract me.

4. Summer. (Does not apply, this year)

5. Nutritional balance - if I eat ONLY microwaved weight watchers meals, this will give me more time to study.

6. The Kardashians. Or the Gallaghers. Or Mindy Lahiri. Or the Lannisters. I am off all delightful forms of media until this is all over.

Starting tomorrow I am back to work. My first shift is from 2-10pm at a regional hospital and I am both calm (it's my happy place!) and terrified (what's a heart attack?).

I am so glad I get to go back to being a resident, as this means someone will be looking over my shoulder and hopefully stopping me BEFORE I kill someone.

I am worried that I will not be able to stay awake through the whole shift. I am worried that I will lactate during the shift. I am worried that I won't remember what blood tests I need to order, or that I will miss my Bub so much that I can't function. But...

I am not allowed to think about these things, starting tomorrow. As of tomorrow, it's game on.

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