Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I get off the train at a one-platform station and walk 15 minutes to the hospital. Not a single car passes me. I can't sleep at night because the silence freaks me out. From my bathroom, I can hear cows going nuts. I have gone Country.

This happened to me once before, during my first degree. 2 years at an agricultural school ("Guelph - the sound one makes when vomiting!") left me in overalls, two-stepping like a champ.

The hospital is pretty quiet at night (and yes, I'm still at work, 13 hours on) and I have caught myself singing as I walk from floor to floor.

On long shifts, we get a meal ticket to take to the cafeteria. I have enjoyed such delicacies as meat n'potato, lamb stew & frozen veg and hot chips. I sit in the empty cafeteria and listen to the kitchen staff talk about the footy.

"Crikey! Did you see Geelong? Rooted!"
"I know, I was spewing...Where was the heart?"
"Awww, and the kicking! Useless pack of mongrels, the lot of them..."

Then I get paged and go see who needs some more warfarin. Nice work if you can get it...

PS: I've started watching Friday Night Lights and the comparisons between small town Texas & small town Oz are eerie. No cowboy hats, but lots of smokes, fights and people who talk reeeeeal slow. Plus baking for every occasion.

1 comment:

  1. Hi dere , Country Gal, is the frost on the pumpkin yet, would yer know a pumpkin if it bit yer on the ankle?
    Speakin' of which, hav ya treated any snake bites yet, yer aint a real Ozyy doc until yer does....I never did, but I didnt work in the bush, neither. Enjoy the silence,
    luv Dad.
