Sunday, July 14, 2013


I still don't know about Kingston.

It's incredibly beautiful and offers everything I've missed about Vancouver. I ran along the waterfront this morning before attending a free Yoga in the Park. I hit up farmers markets and sat in green spaces and I can stare out across a large body of water.

Now I'm missing the ease of interaction that I had in Toronto.

It's not all bad. On Friday night, I ran into a group of ER folks on their way to the bar. They grabbed me, bought me beer & chicken and told me good things about my program.

However, Saturday night, I met another group of ER folks for dinner. One girl gave monologue about viral cultures. One guy appeared to be sleeping, but would occasionally mention how much he liked hot sauce before lapsing into silence. I found myself calculating how many minutes of Netflix I was giving up to be there.

I tried to make a joke about cocaine zombies at dinner and got a round of blank stares (when coke is cut with levimasole then they call it "zombie crack" cos it makes bits of your face fall off). The average age in my program is 25, and these bright shining kids just don't get drug humor, I guess.

At least this week I'm learning ophthalmology. I will spend my mornings ramming into people's foreheads with the slit-lamp, poking them with q-tips and trying to figure out if their red eye is serious, or just allergies. I will practice cutting out an eyeball from a cadaver so that I can harvest corneas for transplant. (I will also see World War Z, so expect nightmares).

Right now, I'll watch the sunset from my window and hope I made the right choice. 2 weeks down, 50 to go.

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