Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Geni's on the Block

In the video, the ABC team review the Australian Censorship Board's approach to female external genitalia and look at how that is affecting the population's perception of what a normal vulva looks like.

Please be warned, the video was broadcast on ABC television, but does contain graphic images of female genitalia and surgical operations.

I think it is an important video to watch. I was appalled to hear the Doctor's description of "improving" genitals. As a Western nation, we condemn cultures that practice genital mutilation; we think it is abhorrent to cut away the outer genitals to make the vagina more "attractive". Yet we also seem to be condoning the practices of this (very shady) plastic surgeon.

Now, I realise that not everyone in Plastics is evil. Some people are out there reconstructing burns and replacing mastectomies and cleaning horrible wounds that ED docs are too scared to touch (thank you Plastics Reg!). This guy just leaves me with the same sinking feeling I get when I hear small breasts described as "malformed".

At what point do we say, "Enough!" If there must be soft porn, let that soft porn show real genitals, not the neat & tidy clefts that the Government deems acceptable.

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