Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday Night Lights...

Alas. While I still love my job, I am getting less committed to doing it well.

For example, in the first month of my employment, I refused all social engagements that would take place on a "school night". I wouldn't even have a glass of wine at home if I was working the next day. I wanted to keep my edge, to be sharp and ready to shine!

This Thursday I did a day shift (7:30-5:30). My next shift was for Friday, but didn't start till 4pm. What did this responsible, caring member of society do? She went for margaritas. (Admittedly, the best margaritas since Uncle Norman taught me about cointreau.)

Instead of rigorously focusing on the job to come, I went to yoga this morning! I ate brunch! I watched crappy TV for so long that I was almost late for work!

I saw lots of interesting patients tonight (OMG! coca-cola coloured urine!), but I kept letting little things slide. This is ok if you're working at Summer at Saints (worst outcome: lower score in Bejewelled) but less ok if you have a 95 year old woman waiting for blood tests.

Sigh. As I said, I still love my job, but if I want to keep doing it, I've got to learn to stay focused. Stay driven. Stay...oooh! Shiny!

1 comment:

  1. Watching Friday Night Lights will improve focus and entertain.
    "Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose" - Coach Taylor.
