Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I had always considered my friends in Australia to be relatively apolitical. We don't generally gossip about politician's gaffes (Scores-gate! Budgie smugglers! Julia's roots!) and we're not likely to wake each other for breaking news in Government.

I didn't know we had a new Prime Minister until I got the the gym (house in Warrnambool had no TV, internet or radio) and she'd been in power for 7 hours already!

But. We are having a house party on August 21. Election day.

This party is bringing out the inner passion for Government. People want to come, "But only if you'll..."
a) NOT show the election
b) show the election results with the sound off
c) show the election with the sound on and provide candles for a mourning vigil
d) play the "moving forward" drinking game

And everyone has opinions on who will win, who should win and whether we should do a shot every time Mr Abbott gives Julia a "do me" look.

Australian politics are so much fun. In the last month we've had the usual baby-kissing shenanigans, but we've also had a "bloodless coup" that deposed a PM with 60% approval ratings, Kylie Minogue being hit on by leader of the opposition (who also hugged a puppet) and the local comedy troop offering Julia Gillard $2000 bucks for her Mining Tax. As part of her "Cash for Clunkers" plan.

The PM responded with, "Oh, thanks love, but you work for the public broadcaster; you need to keep every penny you have."

She's an unmarried atheist who's childless by choice and pro-work choices. I'm still voting Green, but I'm giving my preferences to her.

Also, Clarke and Dawe are back. On a frighteningly familiar topic.

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