Friday, November 26, 2010


More proof that I will never be admitted to the exclusive boys club that is surgery:

We wear masks in theatre. These masks are made of special filtration paper, and often slide around one's face during an operation. This can obscure one's vision.

Bossman, being an experienced surgeon, uses a strip of medical tape to attach the mask under his eyes, thus ensuring a good fit (and preventing his visor from steaming up). After weeks of a steamy visor and working semi blind, I copied him.

The operation went well. I had the best view I've ever had while stitching. After I scrubbed out, I went to peel my mask off. It hurt. A lot. Tears sprang to my eyes, but it all came off in one piece and I thought, "Great! I'll be able to use this in the future."

Then I went to the mirror. The skin under my eyes was still stinging, and when I looked up close I saw tiny pin-pricks of blood across my face. The damn tape had peeled off a layer of my skin. For the last two days, I've walked around with two scabby raccoony bruises under my eyes. And my face hurts every time I put the mask on, even without tape.

My skin is too soft for surgery.
Bossman bursts out laughing every time he sees me.

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