Thursday, November 4, 2010

Everyone loves a good medical drama. During medical school we watched House, Grey's Anatomy, ER and All Saints obsessively, thinking that we were looking into the future.

Sadly, it turns out that Scrubs is the most realistic show on TV.

Unfortunately I'm not the "Turk" in my show; that's my Buddy. She's got the love life, sporty balance and career pathway all mapped out. She makes it look easy.

I'm JD. I spend my days trying desperately to win the approval of an emotionally shut-down megalomaniac, skiving off with my friends/co-interns and failing to have a personal life. Overly invested in getting people to like me, good at the family/empathy/heart to heart stuff, not so good at the medicine.

Adge is the cool talented one. I'm definitely nerd.

I told K, the cool pharmacist, about my halloween look (for the record, Sexy Grapes was a sweet outfit) and she laughed. "Oh Sam, that's such a Doctor's costume." Not a compliment.

Anyways, see if you can match the action to the episode:
- hiding in the changing rooms/storage closets/doctor's office
- being condescended to for being female, then mocked for not wearing makeup
- stealing patient's food off the trolley, getting caught by the boss
- wondering if I've lost my earring IN someone
- getting hit on in clinic by patient's nephew (there to translate, uncle was not impressed)
- singing out loud on the wards (seriously, I'm that tired)

That said, I'm ok with being JD. I know who I am (Nerdcore!) and I'm making it work for me. Plus, wouldn't you rather live in a comedy? House is waaay to intense. I need the comic relief.

PS: It's all the more surreal cos my co-intern sounds a lot like Uter from the Simpsons. Recently arrived from Germany, she laughs like she's wearing lederhosen. And she's always eating chocolate.

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