Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Ok, MCC, I get it. I am not good enough.

My transcripts aren't shiny, my medical degree speaks with a funny accent and I can't even get electives right - BC Children's? Where's that?

I'm having flashbacks to my last set of Canadian applications. No joke, I'm actually starting to have the same dream I had back then.

What dream?

The one where my then-boyfriend would present me with a rejection letter and laugh and say, "Obviously, you're not good enough for me. Now I'm free to spend my time with someone shorter, cuter, with bigger boobs and clearer skin, who does everything you do, but better AND understands my career. Thank GOD."

I know, I know. It's late. I just worked a 14 hour shift. I slid needles into HIV positive people and grannies and young women with post-partum psychosis. I'm greasy and grumpy and have eaten a kilogram of chocolate in the last 5 hours. I can't be taken seriously.

But seriously, why don't I ever pick the easy way?

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