Thursday, September 16, 2010


Things that are awesome:

We get to play with botox. Not, like, celebrity botox, but using botox to paralyze muscles that have become overactive. You attach a syringe full of toxin to an electric needle. Stick the needle into the calf and turn on the juice. If the leg twitches, you're in the right spot. Push the plunger, the botox hits and you get three to four months of placid, untroubled limbs.

We get to go to jail.
St V's (being of Catholic persuasion) has a strong focus on helping marginalized populations and so, has a prison ward.

Our patient beat his head against the floor so hard that he chipped his spine. I opened his file to do the paperwork and read, "Patient murdered his wife last week". We went to see him. Metal detectors, tattooed nurses and airlock doors, but once you're in it's the nicest place in the hospital. Quiet, only 2 patients at a time, free TV and lots of food...I'd beat my head against the wall too.

We get teaching.
My boss in Rehab is a tall, powerful woman who is passionate about getting patients the best Rehab in the world. She also has a terrible stutter when she's nervous. She was teaching us about cardiac rehab (post-heart attack, etc) and told us that, "Patients want to get back to their previous lives. Working, playing with their kids and lo..lo..having sex."

Apparently, if you're fit enough to walk up a flight of stairs, you're good to go.
I'll never look at the Stairmaster the same way.

1 comment:

  1. In the wards of Re-Hab, we have lions and tigers, oh my.
    But as a Game Warden (game for most things), one must point out..that was not a Gazelle your compadre slew , it was a Hippopotamus.
    You blog is very funny , and tres, tres triste.
